Profit Share
Player Deal
Player Deal
Profit Share
Starting at 10%Player Deal
Gross RevenueNo Deductions
CommissionKings (i)
Profit Share
Starting at 30%Player Deal
Tailored for Your TrafficAccess full agent systems and profit sharing deals with Asia's leading gaming brands.
Assistance with transferring money and ensuring you have adequate funds online to operate effectively. We work with reliable third parties to ensure timely transfers and a preferable rate of exchange for our agents.
Work with PokerCompany and join agents who are building a lasting career and wealth. You will access the products that will give you an edge in your market and we will help you deploy them properly.
We offer varying lines of credit based on a up front deposit for our agents. This allows them to offer a seamless service to their end users, and limit administrative burden.
Browse PokerCompany resources and learn how to operate as an agent, on a day to day basis, promoting various gaming companies.
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